Официальный сайт ГУУ/News/Work of Inclusive Higher Education Hotline continues
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Work of Inclusive Higher Education Hotline continues

The State University of Management has a free hotline for applicants, students and their parents, dedicated to issues concerning inclusive higher education.

For three years, the SUM Resource Training Centre (RTC) for persons with disabilities and health limitations has been providing the necessary facilities for timely psychological, advisory and legal assistance for people with disabilities. This project is implemented under the national order of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education with an aim to develop inclusive higher education.

The employees of SUM RTC hold seminars for professors, dedicated to the adaptation of education materials for people with disabilities and health limitations, organise career guidance events, monitor regional job markets (job quotas) and offer technical support for the education of students with health limitations who use e-learning and remote education technologies.

Hotline: 8-800-234-68-84

Hours: Mon–Thu: 9 am to 6 pm

                        Fri: 9 am to 4.45 pm

Email: rumcguu@yandex.ru

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