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Yevgeny Krayev: ‘All Crises Present Opportunities’

On 10 June, the SUM Institute of Economics and Finance held an online dialogue with Yevgeny Krayev, General Director of Khleb S Maslom, on the topic of ‘Small Business in a Pandemic’.

During the discussion, Krayev spoke about what he considers important for future entrepreneurs to know, as well as about existing opportunities and how to act in such situations. According to Krayev, while small businesses currently find themselves in a difficult situation, many entrepreneurs have managed to adapt to the new conditions. 

 ‘Crises don’t just present losses and challenges, but also opportunities’, he said. ‘If you look 2–4 years into the future, you will see new opportunities arise – just like in any other crisis. Our company has discovered a number of such opportunities. During the self-isolation period, we came up with several ideas that we have already turned into new projects which are currently underway.’  

The discussion included a number of questions from students about the current situation within the country and around the world, as well as about the kinds of personal qualities that can help to deal with stressful situations.

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