Официальный сайт ГУУ/Extra-Curricular Activities/How to Get a Psychologist’s Counselling at the State University of Management
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How to Get a Psychologist’s Counselling at the State University of Management

While in self-isolation, many experience emotional stress such as changing the familiar environment, leaving the comfort zone, challenges of motivation and adaptation. If you are facing such problems, you can seek advice from the University’s psychologist.

Psychologist Natalya Sheykhet is available from 10am to 6pm. Any student can contact her via WhatsApp at +7 916 460 63 19, or, if necessary, call her at the same number. Additionally, the psychologist has a blog on social media pages of the Department of Youth Policy and Educational Work, where she shares her techniques and life hacks that will help in everyday life. For example, in her recent post, she has shared an overview of meditative techniques as a self-regulation tool. The post is available on Instagram and VK.

If you face an intense psychological problem, feel free to contact the emergency mental health hotline at any time: 051 for landline calls and +7 (495) 051 for mobile.

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